IIHF Team Tour and International Tournament Information

Application Process to Welcome an Incoming IIHF Team and to Host an International Tournament in Canada

All hockey activities between OHF and IIHF teams must be sanctioned. A sanctioned event means proper insurance coverage and permission has been obtained which ensures the safety of everyone involved. An IIHF team must be in good standing within their International Federation.

  • Establish your sanctioned event

Ensure the hockey activity you wish to host (exhibition games and/or tournament) is approved by your Member .

  • Confirm the IIHF team(s)

Contact your Member to confirm the team(s) you wish to invite is a registered team in the IIHF. OHF teams must only participate with IIHF teams.

  • Invite the IIHF team(s)

Send a letter of invitation (on team or Association letterhead) that outlines the event name, date, location, age category, fees, accommodation and deadline to respond. The IIHF team(s) should respond on letterhead and include a letter from their Federation confirming proof of medical insurance and permission to travel. A separate letter must be sent to each Federation if more than one International Federation is participating. Similarly, a response letter should be received from each participating International Federation.

  • Event Itinerary

As hosts, create the event itinerary. This confirms when and where hockey related activities will take place. This is important with respect to insurance in the event of an injury claim.

  • Make Application to Member

Your Member will assist you in completing the application form to be submitted to the OHF for approval and to Hockey Canada for sanctioning. A complete application package includes:

  • Letter of invitation from OHF team
  • IIHF team response
  • IIHF proof of insurance and travel itinerary

The Member will complete the IIHF Tour Application Form and attach these documents and submit the package to the OHF.

If hosting an international tournament, two application packages will be required:

  1. Sanction Application Form For International Team Tour in Canada
  2. Sanction Application Form For International Tournament in Canada

The OHF Office will assist with any documentation that may not be included once submitted.

Application Process for OHF Team Traveling Overseas
  • Confirm the event

Not all International Tournaments are sanctioned by the IIHF. Contact your Member office with event details and they will confirm the status of the event.

  • Respond to invitation

Always ask for an official letter of invitation to any overseas competition. This will not only provide you with proper event details it will develop the required documents. Respond to the invitation (on team or Association letterhead) clearly outlining the event you will be participating in and the age category and ability of the team.

  • Event Itinerary

With the assistance of the overseas contact or a sports travel organization develop the complete itinerary surrounding the competition. Most overseas tours are a minimum of 10-12 days including travel time.

  • Make Application to Member

Your Member will assist you in completing the application form to be submitted to the OHF for approval and Hockey Canada for sanctioning. A complete application package includes:

  • Letter of invitation from IIHF team
  • OHF team response and travel itinerary.

The Member will complete the IIHF Tour Application Form, attaching these documents to submit to the OHF.

Sanction Application Form For International Team Tour

Important Tour Application Notes
  • Application Timelines

It may require up to half a year or more to organize an outgoing tour. This takes into consideration fundraising, collecting all the required documents, required passports and approval time. A substantial amount of time is involved to plan a tour. When inviting an IIHF team to participate in a tournament and/or exhibition games all the same steps regarding travel are involved on their end. All Applications must be received by your Member at least 3 months prior to the tour.

  • Insurance – playing overseas or at home

Hockey Canada stipulates only hockey related activities are insured. The Hockey Canada insurance policy does not extend to tourist activities such as sightseeing or ski trips. Securing additional insurance coverage is a valuable aspect to consider.

  • Travel Groups

There are several Travel Groups who organize sports tours. These organizations will be able to assist you with contacting the IIHF teams and creating a personalized travel itinerary.

  • Team Ability

When planning a tour overseas or inviting an incoming team ensure the abilities and age categories are similar to all those competing. This not only makes for fair play but also ensures a fun experience.

  • Team Names

With respect to OHF teams participating in overseas exhibition games, ensure the names of all participating IIHF teams are included on the itinerary next to the exhibition game dates. This will allow the International Federation(s) to confirm their registered teams and reduce processing time. Also, when participating in overseas tournaments, it is beneficial to request confirmation that all teams participating in the tournament are members of the IIHF. If an OHF team plays a team that is not a IIHF Member while participating in a tournament, this game would NOT be considered sanctioned, disqualifying any insurance coverage.

  • Traveling Hockey Canada Representative

Hockey Canada regulations stipulate that a representative affiliated with the Member must travel overseas with the OHF team as the official Branch and Hockey Canada Representative. The role of this individual prior, during and following the tour is  important to the overall tour. The OHF team traveling overseas is responsible for the travel and per diem costs of this individual. This person must be named 30 days prior to the start of the tour.

  • Adjusting an Approved Tour

Adjustments may be made to an approved tour itinerary. If the adjustment is the addition of one or more exhibition games this can be done very easily and at no additional application cost. For an incoming tour, a letter from the affiliated Member noting the date, time, location and team must be sent to the OHF for approval prior to this new event taking place. The same process applies if an OHF team going overseas wishes to participate in an additional exhibition game, the OHF must be notified. In both cases, the OHF will notify Hockey Canada. Any change relating to a hockey event must be noted on the travel itinerary for insurance purposes.

Any questions on IIHF Team Tour and International Tournaments can be directed to Scott Stevens sstevens@ohf.on.ca

OHF and Hockey Canada Approval Process & Fees

The OHF receives the tour application package from the Member. The OHF will review all documents carefully to ensure the dates and team names match up with the details provided in the letters of invitation. The package could be returned, requesting additional documents.

Once complete, the OHF sends the package to Hockey Canada. Hockey Canada is responsible to verify the calculated application fee, approve the package and forward to the involved IIHF Federation. That Federation will review the details to ensure all listed teams/Associations are registered members within the Federation. Once this is confirmed, the Federation will respond to Hockey Canada and Hockey Canada will provide the official sanctioning.

The sanctioned package is then sent back to the Member via the OHF to inform the team.

Application fees are established by Hockey Canada and differ based on the type of tour/tournament and when the application was made to Hockey Canada. The fees are calculated by the OHF and noted on the IIHF Tour Application Form which is attached to the application package and provided to Hockey Canada. The OHF invoices the Member during reconciliation at the end of the fiscal year.

Any questions on IIHF Team Tour and International Tournaments can be directed to Scott Stevens sstevens@ohf.on.ca

Application Forms