VSC Instructions

Coach or Official with Connected Spordle and HCR Account

  • Select the participant from your Spordle Account and click ‘register now’.

  • A page will come up with your selected profile and the option to Add a new contact. There is no need to add a contact for this registration, so click Next again.

  • Select ‘Skip the registration selection’ and click Next again.

  • You may be asked to submit documentation to show proof of address. IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO UPLOAD THIS INFORMATION FOR YOUR SCREENING SUBMISSION. Click Next
  • You may be asked to submit a birth certificate. IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO UPLOAD THIS INFORMATION FOR YOUR SCREENING SUBMISSION. Click Next
  • Add one (1) item of the OHF Screening Policy and click Next. You will not be able to click next until one (1) item is added.

  • Click ‘Proceed to check out’

  • This will show your order summary. There is no fee to submit your screening. Click Next.

Accept the terms and conditions. The terms and conditions show the OHF Privacy Policy.

  • A registration confirmation and message will appear on the screen. Please follow the directions on where to retrieve your HCR number and where to submit the documents for your screening.

  • Read the instructions to continue to fill out the form and upload your documents

Uploading Documents

  • Once you click on the OHF Screening Submission Portal from the window shown above, you will be taken to this screen to finish the process and upload your docuements. Please read everything carefully.


Our turnaround times are quite quick.

  • If you followed the instructions from the website and received an email indicating, it was received (not rejected).
  • If yes, return to your Spordle account and it will either have a green or red button with the status.

If you are having any issues, contact screening@ohf.on.ca

Other Helpful Instructions

    1. New Coach or Official without a Spordle/HCR account
    2. How To Link Your Spordle and HCR Account
    3. Frequently Asked Questions