VSC Frequently Asked Questions
- Who is this for?
Anyone who, through their duties on behalf of the OHF, a Member, Senior, Junior, Minor and Female Hockey (Associations, Teams, Clubs) work with children (included but not limited to on-ice volunteer, skills coaches, third party skills coaches and dressing room supervisors).
- How do we manage our organization’s staff and board members?
All Members and Senior, Junior, Minor and Female Hockey (Associations, Teams, Clubs) will continue to screen Staff and Board members that are not involved in on-ice programming.
- What is the minimum age to complete the screening?
18. Under the age of 18, that individual will still need to take the courses required to be on the bench.
- When does this start?
Effective April 1, 2025, for the for the 2025-2026 hockey season. The OHF will accept copies of a VSC that has been completed in the six (6) months prior to submission.
- What offences would disqualify an individual?
The details are in the OHF Screening Policy
- What is the contact information for help or questions?
The Process
- What is the turnaround time?
1-3 business days.
- Will you decline an application if there are errors, or will you email the individual with instructions on what to rectify?
The OHF will communicate if there are any errors with your submission. Communication will also be provided for those submission that have been approved.
- Will HCR profiles show that an individual has submitted their VSC within the OHF portal and that it is pending?
Yes, the HCR profile will show a pending status if an individual loads their receipt that a Vulnerable Sector Check is in process with their police service. The pending status will change based on the uploading of the final check once it is received. The OHF is accepting receipts starting August 1st.
You are still eligible to participate while awaiting results in Pending status.
- If someone disagrees with a decision, is there an appeal process or further review?
Yes, there is an appeal process is someone is deemed ineligible based on their screening.
- How does an Association or the individual know the process is complete?
Communication will be given directly to the applicant once the process is complete. We do not communicate this to the association. The association will need to check an individual's HCR profile once the process is complete.
- Can individuals use their workplace police checks if it is a vulnerable sector one?
Yes as long as the VSC has been completed six months prior to submission
- Does the Association or OHF provide a letter for VSC?
Yes – Here is the link to the letter
- What is the Toronto Police Service online code?
Toronto Police Service online code for the OHF: 202309TPSON6BCE7
Coach and Official Eligibility
- We have a Third Party that comes in for Player Evaluations. Would everyone need to do a screening before getting on the ice?
Anyone who, through their duties on behalf of the OHF, a Member, Senior, Junior, Minor and Female Hockey (Associations, Teams, Clubs) work with children (included but not limited to on-ice volunteer, skills coaches, third party skills coaches and dressing room supervisors).
- If a team hires a Third-Party Instructor without the Association’s knowledge, how do we know that they have been screened?
Please make your teams aware of the process that Third-Party Instructors are properly screened.
- How will registrars know if an individual has been approved?
Associations will be able to see on an individual's HCR profile whether their VSC or Declaration has been approved.
- Will the OHF contact the organization if they reject a volunteer (for whatever reason)?
We will let the Individual and the Member Partner know of the rejection.
- Someone requests a VSC, and they are flagged for fingerprints with RCMP. The process could take up to three months. Can individuals still help during that time?
Yes, they can submit a receipt of the Vulnerable Sector Check AND complete the online OHF Declaration in the meantime.