OHF Director Wayne Purboo retires from OHF Board

Date: Jan, 10, 2022 12:00 PM EDT

OHF Director Wayne Purboo retired from his role as Director of the Ontario Hockey Federation at the end of 2021. Purboo was newly elected to the OHF Board in the summer of 2021 and brought a wealth of experience in and out of the game of hockey to the OHF Board.

In hockey, Purboo was previously the co-owner of the Oakville Blades of the Ontario Junior Hockey League, as well as a father of two boys who came through the Minor Hockey system and went on to play in the Ontario Hockey League. As well as his professional accolades, Purboo and his wife, have created the non-profit organization Onyx Initiative the works to mentor black Canadians in developing their careers.

The Ontario Hockey Federation would like to thank Wayne Purboo for his time and service on the OHF Board and we wish him the best of luck in his further endeavours.

OHF Director Wayne Purboo retires from OHF Board